Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome

An Illustrated History

Rodgers, Nigel; Dodge, Hazel

Anness Publishing






15 a 20 dias

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Introduction 6

Part One
The Rise and Fall
of Rome 8
The Archetypal Empire 10
Timeline 14

Rome: The World's
First Superpower 18
Chapter I: An Empire of
Force and Law 20
Legendary Beginnings 22
The Conquest of Italy 24
The Growth of Empire 26
Victory Abroad, Discord at Home 28
The End of the Republic 30
Peace Restored: The First Emperors 32
The Flavians and "The Five
Good Emperors" 34
Crisis and Catastrophe 36
Reconstruction and Revival 38
The Fall of the West 40

Chapter II: Great Romans 42
Great Roman Generals 44
Julius Caesar 48
Pompey 50
Mark Antony 51
The Historians' View 52
Roman Philosophers 54
Rome's Enemies 56
Cicero: The Peaceful Roman 60

Chapter III: The Emperors 62
Emperors of Rome 64
Augustus: The First Roman
Emperor 66
Organizers of Empire 68
Best of Emperors 70
Evil Emperors 72
Saviours of the Empire 76
Constantine the Great 80
Women Behind the Throne 82
Chapter IV: Governing
the Empire 84
A Self-governing Confederacy 86
The Oligarchical Republic 88
Rome's Ruling Classes 90
The Secret Workings of Roman
Politics 94
The Principate: A Monarchy in
Disguise 96
Republican Extortion, Imperial
Probity 98
Taxation 100

Chapter V: Rome and
the Law 102
Law in the Early Republic 104
How the Laws Worked in
Times of Crisis 106
The Great Imperial
Codifications 108
Police and Secret Police 110
Punishment 112

Chapter VI: Foreign Policy 114
Early Beginnings: The Conquest
of Italy 116
Ruler by Default 118
Defensible Frontiers: The Rhine
and the Danube 120
Defensible Frontiers: Asia 122
Client and Buffer States 124
Reliance on the Germans 126
At the Empire's Extremities:
Egypt 128
At the Empire's Extremities:
Britain 130

the power of rome 132
Chapter VII: The Roman Army 134
The People's Army 136
Battle Hardening 138
The Fall of the Republic 140
Legions and Principate 142
Army of the Later Empire 144

Chapter VIII: Inside the Army 146
Organizing the Legion 148
Centurions and Officers 150
Training and Discipline 152
Pay and Conditions 154
Auxiliary Troops 156
Pitching Camp 158
Roads, Canals and Bridges 160
Fleets and Ships 162
Chapter IX: Arms and the Men 164
Armour 166
Arms 168
Artillery 170
Siege Warfare 172
Triumphs and Ovations 174
Permanent Fortifications 176
Great Forts of the Later Empire 178
City Walls 180

Chapter X: The Great Wars 182
Marching and Fighting 184
The Punic Wars 186
Conquering the Greeks 188
Caesar's Conquest of Gaul 190
The Last Civil Wars 192
Along the Elbe 194
Conquest of Lowland Britain 196
Agricola's Northern Campaigns 198
Trajan's Campaigns 200

Chapter XI: Defending
the Empire 204
The Dilemmas of Defence 206
Natural Frontiers 208
Colonies and Settlements 214
The Jewish Revolt 216
Siege of Masada 218

Chapter XII: Decline and Fall 220
The 3rd-century Crisis 222
The Eastern Problem 224
Foreign Invasions 226
Loss and Recapture of the East 228
The Splintering Empire 230
The First Recovery 232
The Tetrarchs' Achievements 234
Constantine 236
Constantine's Heirs 238
Britain Regained and Abandoned 240
The Gothic Problem 242
The Fatal Winter 244
The Sack of Rome 246
The Fall of Rome 248
Why Rome Fell 250
Part Two
The Roman World 254
Rome's Enduring Legacy 256
Timeline 260

Rome: the first
world city 264
Chapter XIII: Building the
City of Rome 266
Building Early Rome 268
The Later Republic 270
Augustus and his Heirs 272
Nero and the Flavians 274
Trajan and Hadrian 276
Rome in the Later Empire 278
Rome - The Christian City 280

Chapter XIV: Building
Techniques and Styles 282
Building Materials 284
Vaults, Arches, Domes 286
Building Practices and Techniques 288
Architectural Styles and
Language 290

Chapter XV: Public Buildings 292
The Forum Romanum 294
The Imperial Forum 296
Rome's Basilicas and the Senate
House 298
Temples: The Republic and the
Early Principate 300
Temples: The Pantheon and After 302
Building the Theatres 304
Amphitheatres and the
Colosseum 306
Aqueducts and Sewers 310
Imperial Baths 312
Circuses 316
Triumphal Arches 318
Triumphal Columns 320
Churches 322

Chapter XVI: Imperial Palaces 324
The Palaces of Augustus and his
Heirs 326
Nero's Golden Palace 328
The Palatine: Palace of the
Emperors 330
Chapter XVII: Housing for
Rich and Poor 334
The Domus: Houses of the Rich 336
Insulae: The First Apartments 338
Tiberius' Villa at Capri 340
Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli 342
Villas of the Rich in Italy 346
Piazza Armerina 348
Diocletian's Palace at Split 350
Villas of the Empire: British Villas 352

Chapter XVIII: Cities of
the Empire 354
Pompeii and Herculaneum 356
Ostia and Portus 360
Contrasting Cities: Carthage
and Timgad 362
Lepcis Magna: An Emperor's
Birthplace 364
Athens: A Glorious Past 366
Trier: The Rome of the North 368
Ephesus: Wonder of the World 370
Vanished Cities of the East 372
Nimes and Arles: Cities of Gaul 374
Romano-British Cities 376

Roman arts and
society 378
Chapter XIX: Literature 380
The First Roman Writers 382
Augustus' Poets Laureate 384
Catullus and the Elegiac Poets 386
Ovid and Later Silver Age Poets 388
Great Prose Writers 390
Novelists and Satirists 392
Late Roman Writers 394
Literature and Literacy 396

Chapter XX: The Arts 398
The Etruscans and the Early
Republic 400
Art in the Later Republic 402
Augustus and the Classical Revival 404
The Roman Zenith 406
Hadrian and the Greek Revival 408
Art of the Later Empire 410
Furniture 412

Chapter XXI: Religion and
Mythology 414
The Capitoline Gods 416
Venus, Vulcan and Other Gods 420
Emperor Worship and the
Goddess Roma 422
Bacchus and Cybele 424
New Gods from the East 426
Cult of the Sun 428
Christianity: Tribulation to Triumph 430
Chapter XXII: Sport and
Games 432
Gladiatorial Combats 434
The Great Games 436
Wild Beast Games 438
At the Circus: Chariot Races 440
At the Theatre: Farce, Mime and
Pantomime 442
Games and Exercises 444

Chapter XXIII: Science,
Technology & the Economy 446
Strabo and Graeco-Roman
Geography 448
Astronomy 450
Water Mills 452
Steam Engines 454
Medical Principles and Practice 456
Perils of Urban Life: Plagues, Flood
and Fire 458
Trade, Ships and Navigation 460
Passages to India 462
Farming 464

Chapter XXIV: People of Rome 466
Marriage, Divorce and the Power of
the Father 468
Roman Women 470
Children: Education and
Upbringing 472
Slaves and Freedmen 474
Aspects of Slavery 476
Business and Commerce 478
Leisure and Holidays 480
Dinner Parties 482
Food for Rich and Poor 484
Wine and Vineyards 486
Rome the Great Consumer 488
Tunics and Togas 490
Hairstyles and Cosmetics 492
Erotic Love 494
Funerals and the Afterlife 496

Index 500
Acknowledgements 510
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