Decision Making in Aviation

Decision Making in Aviation

Harris, Don; Li, Wen-Chin

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Contents: Introduction. Part I Approaches to the Study of Aeronautical Decision Making: Taking stock of naturalistic decision making, Raanan Lipshitz, Gary Klein, Judith Orasanu and Eduardo Salas; Aeronautical decision making: metaphors, models, and methods, David O'Hare; Force management decision requirements for air force tactical command and control, Joseph G. Wohl; Why classical decision theory is an inappropriate standard for evaluating and aiding most human decision making, Lee Roy Beach and Raanan Lipshitz; Decision-making in the cockpit, Judith M. Orasanu; Judgement and decision making by individuals and teams: issues, models, and applications, Kathleen L. Mosier and Ute M. Fischer. Part II Training Aeronautical Decision Making: Decision making training for aircrew, Glyn David; Enhancing aeronautical decision making through case-based reflection, David O'Hare, Nadia Mullen and Adele Arnold; Training the naturalistic decision maker, Marvin S. Cohen, Jared T. Freeman and Bryan B. Thompson; A systems approach to training aeronautical decision making: from identifying training needs to verifying training solutions, W.-C. Li and D. Harris. Part III Automation and Aeronautical Decision Making: Humans: still vital after all these years of automation, Raja Parasuraman and Christopher D. Wickens; Automation and decision making, Jan Noyes; Automation bias: decision making and performance in high-tech cockpits, Kathleen L. Mosier, Linda J. Skitka, Susan Heers and Mark Burdick; Automation bias in intelligent time critical decision support systems, M.L. Cummings; Impact of automation on aircrew communication and decision-making performance, Clint Bowers, John Deaton, Randy Oser, Carolyn Prince and Michele Kolb. Part IV Distributed Decision Making: Flight decks and free flight: where are the system boundaries?, Erik Hollnagel; The breakdown of coordinated decision making in distributed systems, Christopher Bearman, Susannah B.F. Paletz, Judith Orasanu and Matthew J.W.
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Young Men;Federal Aviation Administration;Adele Arnold;Vice Versa;Alan Stokes;Automated Decision Aids;Angela T. Schriver;Shared Mental Models;Barbara Barnett;NDM;Bryan B. Thompson;NDM Researcher;Carolyn Prince;Proficient Decision Makers;Christopher Bearman;Crew Resource Management;Christopher D. Wickens;HFACS Framework;Clint Bowers;ADM Training;D. Harris;Automation Bias;Dana J. Michalski;NDM Research;Daniel G. Morrow;ADM;David O'Hare;Aeronautical Decision Making;Donald A. Talleur;Human Automation Interaction;Eduardo Salas;FAA;Erik Hollnagel;Automated Conditions;Fred Hyman;Situation Awareness;Gary Klein;Vigilant Information Seeking;Glyn David;Information Acquisition Strategies;Jan Noyes;ASRS Report;Jared T. Freeman;Mesoscale Convective System;John Deaton;Roc Air Force;Joseph G. Wohl;Expert Pilots;Judith M. Orasanu;Judith Orasanu;Kathleen L. Mosier;Kip Smith;Lee Roy Beach;Linda J. Skitka;M.L. Cummings;Mark Burdick;Mark W. Wiggins;Marvin S. Cohen;Matthew J. W. Thomas;Michele Kolb;Nadia Mullen;Raanan Lipshitz;Raja Parasuraman;Randy Oser;Sandra Bollwerk;Susan Heers;Susannah B. F. Paletz;Ulla Metzger;Ute M. Fischer;W.C. Li;Wen-Chin Li