Theories of Rights

Theories of Rights

Ten, C.L.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Contents: Recent work on the concept of rights, Rex Martin and James W. Nickel; In defence of moral rights, Joel Feinberg; On the nature of rights, J. Raz; Are there natural rights?, H.L.A. Hart; Rights, claimants, and beneficiaries, David Lyons; 2 concepts of rights, Philip Montague; A right to do wrong, Jeremy Waldron; Rights in conflict, Jeremy Waldron; Conflicts of rights: typology, Methodology, and nonconsequentialism, F.N. Kamm; Natural rights: Bentham and John Stuart Mill, H.L.A. Hart; Rights, goals, and fairness, T.M. Scanlon; Is there a right to pornography?, Ronald Dworkin; A defense of rights to well-being, Rodney Peffer; Between utility and rights, H.L.A. Hart ; What's so special about rights?, Allen Buchanan; Against rights, Richard J. Arneson; Group rights and group oppression, Peter Jones; The good the bad, and the intolerable, Will Kymlicka; Liberal rights and/or Confucian virtues?, Seung-hwan Lee; 'Asian values' and global human rights, Fred Dallmyr; A world consensus on human rights?, Charles Taylor; Minimalism about human rights: the most we can hope for?, Joshua Cohen; Index.
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Good Life;Global Public Reason;moral;Correlativity Thesis;human;Hart's Objection;Rex Martin;Fundamental Moral Rights;James W. Nickel;Moral Rights;Joel Feinberg;Human Rights;J. Raz;Correlative Obligations;H. L. A. Hart;Raz's Conception;David Lyons;Moral Principles;Phillip Montague;Universal Moral Rights;Jeremy Waldron;Moral Permissibility;F. M. Kamm;Lexical Priority;H.L.A. Hart;Group Rights;T. M. Scanlon;Negative Liberty;Ronald Dworkin;Dworkin's Sense;Rodney Peffer;Prima Facie Duties;Allen Buchanan;Act Utilitarianism;Richard J. Arneson;Williams Strategy;Peter Jones;Legal Claim Rights;Will Kymlicka;Justificatory Minimalism;Seung-hwan Lee;Live Sex Shows;Fred Dallmayr;Pluralistic Consequentialism;Charles Taylor;Fundamental Moral Principles;Joshua Cohen;Purple Shirt