Writing North America in the Seventeenth Century

Writing North America in the Seventeenth Century

English Representations in Print and Manuscript

Armstrong, Catherine

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Contents: Prologue; 'Printing and adventuring': the convergence of literature and discovery; The geography and climate of North America; Representations of the American landscape; Colonists and the flora of America; The fauna of North America; Representations of English society in Virginia: intentions and realities; Representations of English society in New England: intentions and realities; Transmission and reception of American news in England; Conclusion; Bobliography; Index.
John Pory;samuel;Virginia Company;purchas;Massachusetts Historical Society;virginia;Samuel Purchas;company;Massachusetts Historical Society Collections;john;Early Maryland;pory;Plymouth Plantation;massachusetts;Massachusetts Bay;historical;William Crashaw;society;Richard Hakluyt;collections;Sir Ferdinando Gorges;James Savage;Massachusetts Bay Colony;William Strachey;Animal Kingdom;Word Of Mouth;Guiana;Seventeenth Century North America;John Thurloe;Mary Quarterly;Early American Literature;Make Up;Peter Heylin;Mercurius Politicus;Young Men